“The Controller” – Create this Floating Superhero Scene with Sci-Fi Lighting Effects in Photoshop

Name it as “glowing stroke 2″.

Step 16

Make a new layer and use soft brush with colour #fbcb9c. Increase the size of brush to paint on model as the screenshot below shows:

Change the mode to Overlay 100%:

Call it “glowing light”.

Step 17

Duplicate burning circle layer then delete its layer mask of under layer( right click layer mask, choose Delete Layer Mask). Move under one above the top. Name it “light 3″

Apply Motion Blur with same settings in step 9:

Add layer mask and use soft brush with opacity and flow 30% to blur light effect on some parts:

Duplicate this layer and move it down. Name it “light 4″. Use layer mask with brush 100% opacity to clear its top:

Step 18

Open rock stock pack, you can choose the one you like. I choose this one:

Go to Edit-Define Brush Preset and name it whatever you like:

Come back to our main document. Create a new layer and position it on the top. Choose brush tool and find the new brush we’ve just created. Set foreground color to black.

Press F5 to change settings for rock brush:

Paint inside the lights:

Step 19

Duplicate this layer and we have:

Add layer mask for each rock brush blur the top of them as the top get less light then the rest so less visible:

To make these small rocks get 3D effect, add layer style for them. Right click each rock layer, choose Blending options:

Choose Direction as Down because these rocks get light from underground.

Step 20

Open fireball image. Move it into our document, resize it as shown below:
